Newsletter: Season of Change: October 20th, 2020

Welcome to this week’s newsletter and as you can see we have changed the format!

At Healing in America our mission is to educate the world on the power of Energy Healing and create a community where you can learn and connect. We want to provide you with more information, more interaction and more opportunities to be a part of our growing spiritual network.

There has never been a more important time to be part of a community – to understand you are not alone in this shift of consciousness as collectively we start to create the sort of world we want for ourselves and our children. Wherever you are, we are only a thought away.

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One I had recently from Susan in Seattle who asks –

“I hear a lot about keeping “grounded” – what does it mean and why should I do it?

Hi Susan,

Thanks for your question and this is something many people ask. When we moved to U.S. in 2002 we heard a new word – ‘Woo Woo’ – which I found out means when people are “ungrounded”. We probably all know people who have” their head in the clouds” almost as if they are in a different space in their heads to reality. Now, whilst there is nothing wrong in that it is healthier to” be present”, to be in our bodies and have a connection with mother earth.

There are many ways to become “grounded” – the easiest is literally to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on grass, garden or the beach for about 15 minutes. I find this really helps me to focus, reconnects me with mother earth and uplifts me. I think many of us wear shoes or trainers all the time and we have lost this connection – try it and see.

Each week I will be answering any questions from our readers regarding different aspects of healing – simply email me with your query or concerns to:


How to release tension in your body

So many clients seem to be suffering from stress and tension in their bodies – and this is not conducive to keeping our immune systems in good shape. There is a lot of information all giving differing views and ideas but the simplest is a breathing technique we teach on our workshops.

Just sit and close your eyes, breath in slowly for the count of 4, hold that breath for the count of 4, and then breath our slowly for the count of 4. Pause for the count or 4 and repeat.

I know this is not rocket science but just do this for 5 minutes each day and you will really notice the difference. Just Chill!


Find the right Medical Doctor for you!

Whatever your beliefs and about wellness and keeping healthy I believe it is important to make sure your primary health care physician has the same beliefs as you do. I see many clients who are experiencing life challenging health issues and if what they are being told to do is contrary to their beliefs, their gut feeling, change your physician.

Your body knows what is right for you – it tells you what foods you should be eating, when you are doing something contrary to what the body needs, so my suggestion is that you follow those intuitive feelings – and if your doctor tries to tell you something different, find one who is on the same wave length as you.


When we laugh our body creates endorphins much more powerful than morphine – so learning to see the funny side of situations is great helping keep you well.

It used to be an apple a day keeps the doctor away – but I believe a good laugh a day helps to keep sickness away!

Apparently RSVP’ing to a wedding invitation “Maybe next time,” isn’t the correct response.

newsletterRoger Ford