Newsletter: Protection: October 27th, 2020

Thank you for all your positive comments about our new newsletter! You are part of our Healing Family and we are so happy with the response to this opportunity for us to interact with you more! 

As we go through this big shift in consciousness it is important to realize that you are not alone – everyone is experiencing the same things as you are, to a greater or lesser degree. This is a natural rebalancing of our planet and a readjustment to get us all “back on track”. 

Now more than ever it’s important to look after yourself and protect your energy and vitality. The content this week aims to give you some tips on how to better protect your own sacred energy and wellbeing. As always, we would love to hear from you too! What do you do to protect your sense of well-being?

At Healing in America, our mission is to educate the world on the power of Energy Healing and create a community where you can learn and connect. We want to provide you with more information, more interaction, and more opportunities to be a part of our growing spiritual network. Our organization exists because of each one of you, we are a living group all connected by our deeper purpose.

We are only a thought away!

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This week I would like to answer a question from Isabelle in Florida who asks:

“I am usually a positive person but after being with several of my friends who are quite negative I feel exhausted and drained”

A great question Isabelle and one which is not uncommon.  My knee jerk response is find new friends!

We know that everything on our planet is energy - including us – and our words, thoughts, actions, beliefs etc. are all energy and that being with positive people can “lift our spirits” – conversely negative people can “pull us down”.  So, my suggestion is seek out people who make you feel good, people who can make you laugh and where you come away feeling uplifted. That in turn helps with a ripple effect and you affect others in a positive way.


Following on from the question from Isabelle is one of the most common things people ask on our workshops. How do I protect my energy field? Attendees such as nurses who work in an environment where subconsciously people are drawing away their energy – often get depleted. Whilst there are several ways to avoid this, the easiest is simply imaging yourself surrounded in a bubble of pink or golden light. Also, if there is a specific person who you know drains you energetically, also imagine them in a separate bubble of light. This will help you retain your energetic body and stop you becoming tired.

Each week I will be answering any questions from our readers regarding different aspects of healing – simply email me with your query or concerns to:


How to help with your sleep patterns

It is not uncommon currently for people to have poor sleep, often waking in the early hours and having difficulty in getting back to sleep, and when it is time to get up they already feel tired before the day starts. There is an abundance of advice about what to do and what not to do but this is what has helped me personally:

  1. Eat earlier – and light meals

  2. If you watch T.V. turn it off at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

  3. Make sure the last thing I watch is amusing or non-violent

  4. Turn off your phone and DON’T check emails just before sleeping

  5. Avoid tea or coffee in the early evening

  6. Reflect on the day and give gratitude


In last week’s newsletter, I spoke about the importance of having your prime caregiver as someone on the same wavelength as you in respect of your beliefs about wellness. As we all know, often doctors will help with symptoms but not find out the cause of the illness – consequently, we are simply managing our health and not really healing. I would encourage you to watch this short TED Talk video by Dr. Rangan Chatterjie Called “ Making Diseases Disappear” I found this inspiring – wouldn’t it be great if more medical doctors had the same outlook.


When we laugh our body creates endorphins much more powerful than morphine – so learning to see the funny side of situations is great helping keep you well.

It used to be an apple a day keeps the doctor away – but I believe a good laugh a day helps to keep sickness away!


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Like many other organizations, since the pandemic, we have been unable to use our Holistic Healing Center here in Ojai, CA for workshops, talks, and community events. Having been here over 10 years we are determined to maintain the space to help as many people as we can – but need your help.

Those of you who have been to any events here will know the special energy that has been created which is conducive to healing, and over the years we have helped many hundreds of people on their healing journey. During this time we have had to pay rent and overheads and would ask for your support by donating to our GoFundMe account for our non-profit organization.

Our goal is to raise $25,000 by the end of the year and currently, we have raised over $8,000 for which we are very grateful.

There is a saying that whatever you give – your receive back 10 fold – so any support you can offer would be brilliant and donations are tax-deductible.