How to Stay "Grounded" and Why it is Important

Often on healing workshops, you will hear the expression “We need to Ground Ourselves” which simply means we are consciously centering our soul – our essence – in our body and then connecting with mother earth. When we first moved to Ojai, CA from England we learnt a new word – Woo, woo – and found that mean the opposite – several people we met were very “floaty”, a little distracted from reality and totally ungrounded.

There are many ways in which you can ground yourself – one of the ways we teach is close your eyes and visualize golden roots – like the roots of a tree – coming from the soles of your feet and stretching deep into mother earth. Just hold this vision for a couple of minutes and you will be very grounded.

You can try this with a friend or partner. Stand close to them, ask them to keep their feet still and then very gently just give them a bit of a push on their side – see how much they move. Then ask them to imagine those roots reaching down through the floor of the room and deep into the earth for a couple of minutes and do the same.  You will find they sway much less after the “grounding”

Some of the benefits of being grounded are you feel:

· Centered

· Solid

· Strong

· Balanced

· Less tense

· Less stressed

Another great method is just to walk barefoot on a lawn or in a field – something not many of us do these days. You will be able to feel that connection with nature and become grounded with this simple exercise.

Any walk in nature – whether a meadow or on a beach - is also a great way of keeping ourselves grounded and in touch with “reality” – whatever that is!