A Time of Trust
A Time of Trust
With the days getting shorter and the weather bringing the first hints of winter, many people prefer staying at home. This is great news for introverts – now you can take a walk in a quiet park, and no one will interrupt your thoughts with their loud talking and laughing. Or enjoy the comfort of your home, listening to the calming, almost hypnotizing sound of raindrops.
Those of us in California may have to listen to a recording of the sound of raindrops!!
These introspective moments of solitude are perfect for thinking about your summer adventures, indulging in nostalgia for those happy sunny days, and feeling thankful for the experiences and emotions they brought you.
After all, “It’s not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy,”
For many last year, as in the previous two, has been a year of adjustment, facing uncertainty and trying to understand what on earth is going on in the world. No matter how much we try to rationalize - not a lot makes sense.
So, what should we do?
As I have mentioned in many previous newsletters, this really is a time of trust and a belief that as we emerge from these times of the biggest changes ever in our evolution, the world we can create can be truly amazing.
We need to continue to empower ourselves - take responsibility for our own health and our own lives - knowing that we can create exactly what we want. We just have to know what we want!
It is so easy to just drift through life thinking we cannot do this or we cannot do that - I believe we are capable to doing anything!
We are being given the opportunity of getting back onto our spiritual track, to be all that we truly are.
Sound fanciful?
Well, we have probably changed more in the last 5 years - than we have in the last 5 lifetimes!
If we can look past what we see wrong with the world and look at what we see right - we will be contributing to the changes we all want.
Why not use meditation, reading, and other activities that will nourish your soul and help know yourself better?
Let all of us, particularly during these next couple of weeks, help and inspire others who cross our path. Show kindness and gratitude and focus on the glass being half full.
You will be surprised at the positive things that then manifest themselves in YOUR life.
Appreciation and Gratitude for your Support.
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”