Ascension is Available to All

Ascension is Available to All

Thanks to continued waves of light and spiritual energy flowing onto Earth from the Divine realms, ascension is now more than ever before, available to all. 

More people are waking up every day to the feeling and knowing that there is more to life than the ‘economy' and the physical aspects of reality. One person at a time a wave of awareness is growing around the world.  You have grown more in the last 5 years than in the last 5 lifetimes!

Plus, the once hidden teachings of love, enlightenment, and ascension are no longer concealed by mystery schools, religions, and secret societies.

But, while the information is out there, and the stage is set, ascension takes commitment, and self -responsibility to make the leap out of fear, and into love. It takes a constant return to awareness to shift out of old patterns and habits in order to ‘lift into the light', to evolve, and ascend.

The way to ascend is to infuse your consciousness with the infinite possibility manifest through love. The ascension path is multidimensional and involves all that you are on every level.

Lifting to experience new levels of Divine light is one aspect of the ascension path.

Releasing, integrating, and healing past wounds, energetic blockages, beliefs, fears, and limitations is another.

Throughout the ascension process, awareness is essential.

With awareness, you are able to know your required work and your next steps. You're able to notice the patterns and beliefs holding you in density and release them at the moment to step into a new level of love.

The ascension path is not easy, but it is simple. Your awareness is your most valuable resource, and so if you want to progress on your ascension path, make a commitment to take control of your attention and become more and more aware.

In the physical world now, there is a constant supply of distractions entertaining and stimulating our minds at every moment. Unplug. The mind is part of what we are ascending… But to do so we need to be able to let it pause.

“No one can dim the light that shines within”

Stay well,

articleRoger FordComment