“Molecules of Emotion”

“Molecules of Emotion”

The founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, believed that 90% of illness comes from the mind itself.

Therefore, most illnesses can be reversed by the mind.

Our beliefs about healing are crucial to all aspects of wellness. Our entire molecular system is mediated by hormones – the “molecules of emotion” – triggered by our thoughts and beliefs. 

Our brains are hardwired based on our beliefs, which change our neurotransmitter balance.

Autosuggestion is the principle that if you imagine something possible, it becomes true. The mind cannot distinguish between what is true and what is imagined.

And its effectiveness is well-documented. For instance, it’s been reported that 60% of chemotherapy patients start feeling sick before they begin treatment. It also works in the reverse – if you imagine something to be impossible, it will become impossible.

The most-publicized case of autosuggestion is of a gentleman called Sam Schoeman, who was diagnosed with end-stage liver cancer and given only months to live.

Schoeman died within the expected timeframe. Yet the post-mortem revealed the diagnosis was wrong – Sam’s tumor was tiny and had not spread at all.

Really, Sam did not die of cancer, but his expectation that he would die of cancer.

The placebo effect (positive outcomes from positive expectations)

and nocebo effect (negative outcomes from negative expectations) are well-documented, and in some cases, have even shown more dramatic results than the so-called “active” drugs.

It has been proven that a placbo can work when a patient believes they have had surgery – perhaps the surgeon made an incision and sewed up the wound, but no surgery took place, yet the patient fully recovered because their belief was that they had surgery.

One of the problems I find with clients who have been ill for a long time is that they cannot imagine what it is like to be well.

In those cases, using visualization can help as the mind thinks in pictures.

As you probably already know – the power of intention moves us forward in the direction you want to go – it creates a clear and powerful goal.

If the mind knows where we want to go – we will get there!

With Love & Light.

Stay well,

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