“Online or Live” Intuitive Holistic Energy Healing Sessions
Intuitive Holistic Energy Healing Sessions
“Online or Live”
Private Healing Sessions
“Online or Live” Intuitive Holistic Energy Healing Sessions
with Co-Founder of Healing in America, Roger Ford.
Our private sessions offer one-on-one healing. These sessions are for those people who need the safety and comfort of privacy in order to explore the imbalance of mind, body, and spirit.
Individual healing sessions are powerful experiences and can help with issues ranging from the minor to life threatening. The practitioner will spend time listening to a client and the problem presented and often will look for the root cause. Energy Healing is then given with the healer lightly touching or working a few inches away from the body’s energy field.
Energy healing is usually given using a massage table but a chair may be used if preferred.
Recipients often experience warmth or tingling coming from the healer’s hands and a sense of calm and relaxation is very common.
Sessions can vary in length but are usually about an hour in total. The number of sessions required will vary depending on the issue. Many healers suggest three sessions as a minimum depending on the issue, and there is nearly always a change after healing is given – which can be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.
These sessions are particularly helpful for those suffering a wide range of physical and emotional issues where added support and individualized attention can be given.
“This course has opened my mind to more possibilities and techniques of healing to support conventional medicine.”
For Private Booking Sessions
We encourage our clients to come in comfortable clothing. You have the option of lying down on a massage table or sitting up in a chair, so wearing clothing that supports movement is best.
Potential Outcomes
Lowering tension and blood pressure
Reducing stress levels
Improving sleep patterns
Creating greater awareness and improving intuition
Experiencing clarity and objectivity
Expanding consciousness
Re-connecting to your higher self
Finding balance within your mind, body, spirit and emotions
Supporting treatments for a wide range of illnesses
Call 805 407 5366 or email info@healinginamerica.com to arrange an appointment or discuss how he can be of help.