Play Again

Play Again

When my children were young, like most parents you try to, to get them “nice” presents for birthdays and Christmas- often spending more than you can really afford.

We would often find, particularly when they are very young, children are just as happy playing with a saucepan and hitting it with a wooden spoon as the expensive gifts left in the corner.

I often think, left to their own devices, children – and adults - are more creative when they play with things they already have than the expensive gadgets that are advertised extensively.

Using our imagination is an important part of relaxation – and often more pleasure is derived when we have had to think about creating something.

I am not a natural “handyman” as my wife will tell you – putting up shelves (that are level) or even hanging a picture in the right place, is not a skill I find easy.

However, on the odd occasion I do have success with my handiwork, the sense of satisfaction and joy of being praised for it – surpasses many other things in life.

We often feel we can only play when we are around young children – but I love to play and be a child again in my adult life.

I guess as we get older, we stop worrying about what others may think about us and just BE.

Find time in your life to just play again!

With Love & Light.

Stay well,

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