Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy

Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy

As one of 4 boys, we were taught that “men don’t cry” and therefore we were not encouraged to talk about any emotions we were going through. Men are supposed to be “manly” and certainly never allowed to cry.

Fortunately, things have changed and we all appreciate more the value of being able to cry – tears of sorrow, tears of joy, and tears of release.

There is a far greater understanding of how we can release past issues and trauma and how empowering that can be.

A very simple way I sometimes used with clients is to suggest they find time and space, on their own, and to get into the feeling of whatever issue it is that they want to release.  This may be an issue with parents, siblings – even our children.

It helps reflection to perhaps have a photo of the person or situation to really get into that frame of mind.

Then write a letter (not on a computer but by hand!) to the person or about the situation – really allow yourself to express your feelings, how you have been hurt, etc.  Say just what you want to say – don’t worry about your handwriting or spelling just get it all out!

When you have done this simply crumple up the paper and burn it.


Please don’t do what one client did – after I had told her explicitly what to do and what not to do – she saw me the next week and proudly told me she wrote the letter and emailed it to her ex!!!

This simple exercise can really help you to release – and let go.

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