True Abundance

True Abundance

Abundance means that you do not want for anything in your life.

What first comes to mind when you think of this idea is usually that all your material needs are met in abundance.

That is quite normal.

When you go beyond your physical and material needs you get to truly understand what abundance really is from a more spiritual perspective.

Right now you probably have a list of things you want in your life. You want these things because you believe that it is missing from your life.

The nature of acquiring things and stuff in your life is that they only give birth to wanting more. The wanting becomes a never-ending cycle of striving for things that can not make you feel abundant – ever.

True abundance is a feeling of not even wanting anything. It is the wanting in and of itself that creates a sense of lack.

When you start shifting your life from wanting things and stuff for the sake of wanting things and stuff you start seeing the true nature of abundance. This is when your life takes on a more spiritual approach to abundance.

An abundance consciousness is one where you feel abundant not because you HAVE a lot but because you ARE a lot.

You realize that you are ultimately a spiritual being having a human experience and that on a spiritual level you do not want for anything. Everything is available to you.

You are a divine being and you are intricately connected to the entire universe.

The instance you take your energy and your attention away from all the things that you think are lacking from your life, you start feeling abundance.

You are abundant when your energy and your attention is on what you do have instead of what you don’t have.

“The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there.”

– Ester Hicks

Stay well,

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