We create our reality and are either surviving or thriving
We create our reality
and are either surviving
or thriving
For those of you who regularly read my blogs, you will know I often talk about the changes we are going through on our planet, and what amazing beings we really are.
I’m just reading a book called “Awaken the Avatar in You” by Darren Starwynn and in the forward, written by Dr Sue Porter, she explains very succinctly what I truly believe.
“At this unique moment in our history, humankind is emerging in an evolutionary uprising toward higher consciousness, bringing an ever-increasing clarity of what our is to claim.
Quantum Science is providing a pathway for the logical mind to embrace versions of ourselves previously left only to their esoteric and spiritual conversation. Historical science, based in linear thinking, are now being surpassed by discoveries in the disciplines of human biology, neuroscience and cellular plasticity, and the indisputable power of the mind that, when coupled with the energies of heart coherence, has the ability to transform our health, our happiness and even our world.
Now more than ever, we are being shown that we are a complete and creative force on earth with the power to change our own chemistry as well as our own cellular structure, even regenerating injured and damaged tissues previously thought to be permanently altered.
What we think, feel, and believe has an impact on every experience of life itself, including the activation of our very own genetic inheritance and the reconstruction of it.
We are learning that everything is energy, including us, and that energy can be altered but never destroyed.
We are changing our identity, realizing our pain and suffering is a by-product of assuming we are a separate and distinct entity, rather than a constant stream of energetic consciousness.
We are now aware there is a foundational field of energy- of which we are each an expression - that allows us to access a never-ending abundance of resources to live the life that we can imagine. We just need to remember how!!”
I will leave you with just one last thought. “For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”
Hang in there!!
With Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand,
no amount of explaining will be sufficient”