We Live in a Vibrational Universe
We Live in a
Vibrational Universe
Discover the amazing health possibilities of using sound in a vibrational universe.
Accepting - as science has proven - that we live in a vibrational universe it opens up amazing health possibilities in terms of using sound.
Knowing everything is energy, and although many things may look “solid” they are, at a subatomic level - particles that are moving around at different vibrational rates.
So, is it possible to re-balance and reset our energy systems by tuning into the correct frequencies of that particular part of the body? I would say a resounding YES! Back in my youth I played guitar in a “skiffle” group and saw for myself if two guitars are tuned exactly the same, you can pluck the string on one of them, and without touching the other guitar, the corresponding string will start to vibrate on its own.
Whilst healing with sound is not new, with science now backing spirituality - or should it be the other way around (!) - it is becoming more accepted. Deforia Lane, a music therapist at the Ireland Cancer Centre, has had phenomenal results with assisting cancer patients to a speedier recovery using sound. Another music therapist has used music to sooth agitated Alzheimer patients.
Some scientists have begun experiments with the use of dolphins in healing.
Dr. Betsy Smith, an American psychologist who works with autistic children and dolphins in the water off the Florida coast, has seen the mystery of the dolphins' healing bio-field in action. She believes that they heal these children not only with the love and joy emitted by their bio-field, but also with their sonar, which actually scans the human body and realigns the energetic field. Sound, especially drumming, has been found to be particularly useful in helping children with dyslexia/dyspraxia.
Most humans have no idea of the power behind the sounds they create and send out into the ethers through their spoken word, and yet the idea of healing with sound is not new. Edgar Cayce predicted that sound would be the medicine of the future. The use of incantation, drumming, music and rhythm is found in traditional societies throughout the world and back through recorded history.
Today, with the help of modern physics, we are rediscovering and proving the primary healing power that sound has.
So, maybe next time you visit your doctors and they reach for a singing bowl or tuning fork - you may just have found a health practitioner who is at the leading edge of the modern health care.
Try it and see!
With Love & Light,
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”