Isn’t it time to forgive?
Isn’t it time to forgive?
World of Healing
In the last few days we have witnessed extraordinary scenes in our country that are beyond the comprehension of many – and I wonder what effect seeing these will have on our children.
Many of them are at home and have no school friends in which they can share their thoughts, fears, and concerns. How can we as parents justify what has, and still is, happening in our world?
As enlightened beings it is difficult to explain to youngsters – and maybe to adults – that by holding the higher ground and not buying into the gamut of emotions currently being expressed in the media will help bring balance and harmony to our restless world.
Although the behavior we saw on the news cannot be justified, in order to start to repair the damage, and to return to a more “normal” way of life, all of us need to hold the vision of the world we want to create.
If enough people hold that vision of peace and harmony – letting go of our anger and in some cases hatred – we really can change the collective consciousness on our planet and particularly in our country.
As difficult as it may seem, we need to forgive what we have all seen in the last weeks in order to change – and that change has to start with ourselves. Yes, we need to express our emotions - and then let them go. We need to set an example by forgiving – which in turn will allow others to forgive.
As Nelson Mandela said” Resentment is like drinking poison – and hoping it will kill your enemies”
Let us lead by example – I believe we are setting the path for a better world in which anger does not dominate and that forgiveness is a path to peace.
If each one of us reading this makes a conscious decision in the next few days to hold the space for positive thoughts and action, to lead by example, and not to be caught up in the drama, you will notice a change.
Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
With Love & Light