A Spiritual View of What is Happening to Our Planet
A Spiritual View
of What is Happening
to Our Planet
We are all aware that significant changes are happening on our planet, and in many of our workshops, people ask what I think this is all about.
My personal belief is that Mother Earth is working to heal her wounds that she has had to suffer over her history in order for her to move into the next dimension.
Since the harmonic convergence in 1987, our planet has been bombarded with high-frequency energies to help move us from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension vibration, so changes are necessary.
These changes are affecting us all in different ways - many are fearful and confused, others are quite excited about the prospect of a changing world - from one of fear and control - to one of love and peace.
Our DNA in all of us will have a 5th dimensional vibration and we will have access of new energy sources and no longer will be manipulated.
The way we think will be different and our creativity will be greatly enhanced giving us the opportunity to become more motivated by doing work that fulfills and satisfies us.
I believe that children who are born today will have all the tools needed for these changes - they will be way ahead of us with their talents and gifts, and we need to listen to them as they will show us the way forward. Allow them to express themselves fully as they are multidimensionally aligned. They are incredibly intuitive - just look into a young one’s eyes and you will see such wisdom and love.
Like-minded people will be drawn together to help each other when things seem overwhelming and when we are subject to new experiences. I have said before, just hang out with people who make you feel good - leave behind friends who continually “pull you down” with their negative views on everything.
We know that as Mother Earth gets warmer the polar caps will continue to melt and weather patterns will be more severe - we are already seeing this - who would have believed places like Dubai could be flooded?
There will be many more natural disasters - earthquakes, mudslides, floods and so it is important that we accept these changes and trust that your own inner guidance will keep you safe. Remember, on a soul level, we volunteered to incarnate at this time to help with these changes, and deep down, we know these changes are necessary for our transition.
I suspect, as in the past, some animals may become extinct - and new species will evolve to adapt to the new energies on our planet - maybe some land will disappear - and other land may suddenly appear.
I also sense that other beings from other planets, and constellations are incarnating to help us move through these changes.
As the rhythms of Mother Earth change, these changes are making many of us restless.
We know on a deep level we came here to do something - but we don’t know what!
Over many years we have “lost the plot” and still many do not understand that we need to nourish our planet - not rob it of natural resources. We have taken too much from it for far too long - now is the time to honor where we live, be grateful for this amazing planet of ours, and as these changes continue to challenge us, know that this is all part of the divine plan - we just have to tighten our seat belts and hang on tight!
Despite the gravity of the challenges we face, there is hope. Around the world, individuals, communities, businesses, and governments are taking action to address environmental issues and promote sustainability. From renewable energy and conversation initiatives to sustainable agriculture and green technologies, there are many opportunities to create a more resilient and sustainable future for our planet. By working together and assisting a holistic approach to environmental stewardship, we can protect the health and vitality of our planet for future generations.
Let’s all play our part.
Try it and see!
With Love & Light
The Meaning of Life is to find your gift
The Purpose of Life is to give it away.