When Does Someone who is Confident Become Precocious?
When Does
Someone who is
Confident Become
When I was seven, I started helping my dad deliver milk in the days when a milkman put bottles of milk on our doorstep every morning.
This continued right up until I left school at 17, and then my next brother ‘in line” took over the responsibility.
These days it would probably not be allowed, but apart from getting up at 5:30 am each morning and working before going to school, I actually quite enjoyed being out in the fresh air and getting to know the customers by name and joking and having fun with them.
What it also gave me, although I did not realize it at the time, was confidence in communicating with anyone and talking about almost anything. The only person I was a bit shy about seeing was delivering milk to the headmaster of my grammar school - especially on the morning after I had been given “six of the best” with his cane for throwing a snowball and hitting one of the other masters as he stepped outside the classroom.
The process of mixing with all sorts of people at an early age gave me so much confidence in myself, that nothing seemed impossible. Confidence isn’t about being loud and arrogant - it’s about believing in yourself and in your abilities, even when the odds seem against you. It’s that little voice within that says, “You can do this”.
So, was I precocious? I hope not!
Being confident to me is about self-assurance and belief in our abilities - it’s a state of mind characterized by a sense of certainty and trust in oneself, often demonstrated through actions, decisions, and interactions with others.
"Precocious," on the other hand, describes someone who develops certain abilities or skills earlier or more rapidly than usual. It's often associated with children who display advanced intellectual or creative abilities beyond their years. Precocity can manifest in various ways - often with a feeling that they are “showing off.”
I guess it’s a fine line between the two but maybe we should embrace failure not as a sign of inadequacy but as a catalyst for growth. Let's surround ourselves with positive influences who uplift and inspire us to be our best selves. That will instill us with confidence.
We can also take proactive steps to challenge ourselves and pursue our passions with excitement. Let's dare to dream big and take risks, knowing that failure is not the end but merely a detour on the road to success. And most importantly, let's believe in ourselves, even when the world doubts us, for it's our unwavering confidence that will ultimately lead us to greatness.
Be all that you are - Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate - our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous”?
Actually, who are you not to be?
Try it and see!
With Love & Light
The Meaning of Life is to find your gift
The Purpose of Life is to give it away.