Can we Develop Tolerance in Family Situations During the Holidays?
Can we Develop
Tolerance in
Family Situations
During the Holidays?
As many of us know getting together with families during the holiday period can bring a lot of joy and laughter - but it can also test patience in family dynamics.
Here are a few thoughts which may help to “keep the peace”.
Bear in mind we all have our own challenges and stressors and the ways in which we express ourselves, but perhaps by reflecting on what may be behind someone’s behavior, may give us a more compassionate view of what’s going on.
Family gatherings are rarely perfect and maybe we should not have such high expectations and embrace imperfections in ourselves - and others, rather than focusing on annoyances.
Many of you know how to “ground” yourselves and if you have attended our energy healing workshops, you will know how to protect your energy field and to avoid becoming drained.
I think it’s important to set yourself boundaries - don’t be afraid to say “no” - and mean it!
If you find tensions are mounting, maybe give yourself a break - step outside, get some fresh air, and try not to take whatever is going on personally.
Another thing is to keep your sense of humor - often these situations are quite funny, and a lighthearted attitude can defuse tension and create a more relaxed atmosphere.
Maybe also focus on the aspects of family gatherings that you are grateful for - perhaps it will be a while before you meet again, share meals or family traditions. Life is short and we often look back with regret at what perhaps now seems silly to have fallen out about.
One of my clients recently lost her mother and shared with me, they had not spoken to each other for 15 years. When I asked what they had fallen out about, she replied “I can’t even remember.”
Remember, tolerance doesn’t mean suppressing your feelings - it’s about navigating the ups and downs of family interactions with grace and self-compassion.
Have a magical holiday.
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”