Create Your Abundance
Create Your Abundance
Many seem to feel we are entitled to the latest car, the newest Apple phone and watch, the fastest computer on the market, the latest gizmo and so on.
There is nothing wrong with wanting those things – what is important is our attitude to not being able to have them all today!
I know I sound a bit like my old Dad, but when we grew up we used to have to save for anything we wanted – sometimes for weeks or months – but when we finally were able to buy it, we really looked after it and made it last.
These days we have created a world where clever advertising, easy borrowing and smart sales talk make us feel we should have what we want now – why delay?
I’m not saying the “old way” was better, but it did make you appreciate things.
On a more spiritual level I do believe that we can create abundance in our life and that the universe will provide whatever we ask for – without judgement.
Where we go wrong is that our timescale and that of the universe is not always the same.
If you tell the universe what we want, we then we just need to trust and truly believe we will get it, and wait for it to happen.
Often, of course, we get frustrated with any delay, and then the vibration of our intention changes – creating a mismatch with the vibration the universe is responding to.
The manifestation then doesn’t happen which frustrates us even more.
We know that what we focus on is what we see in our world. So, focus on “seeing” whatever it is you want to create for your abundance, really believe the universe will provide and just be patient.
You will be truly amazed!
With Love & Light.
Stay well,