The Greatest Courage
The Greatest Courage
As a healer, I have witnessed so many courageous acts with clients over the years – where people have been told they have a limited amount of time to live and despite all the odds, have had the strength and courage to regain their health.
Many of these are cancer survivors and unless this has happened to you – it is difficult to really know what it feels like to be told by a doctor you only have days or a few weeks to live.
Some years ago, a survey of cancer survivors in Bristol were asked what they thought were the three main things that helped them.
Ironically, they all said the same thing:
Changing to a plant-based diet
A belief in something/ a power greater than ourselves
Someone who would be totally honest with them
The people who I believe show the greatest courage are cancer survivors who are told their cancer has gone into remission, only to have it re-appear after a couple of years.
The sheer determination and stubbornness not to be beaten by their illness, and to fight with every ounce of their strength to overcome again, to me shows the power of the human spirit and tremendous fortitude and courage.
I honor them.
With Love & Light.
Stay well,