Everything is Energy
Everything is Energy
Part of our healing development is to become more aware of energy – both sensing and seeing.
Since the mid-1920’s we have been aware of quantum physics which proves that everything is energy.
Now you may look at the floor or a desk or at yourself and think well this is solid – what nonsense!
However, if you were to look at any object through a very powerful microscope you would see, at a subatomic level – particles floating around – and to quote Albert Einstein – “Everything is energy – and that is all there is to it! Match the frequency to the reality you desire, and you cannot help but get the reality you want. It cannot be any other way. This is not philosophy - this is physics.”
The whole of the alternative/complementary movement therapies are based on this fact – and the reason why we become ill is that our biofield or our energy field is out of balance.
To experience the feel of energy do this simple exercise.
Rub your hands together as quickly as you can for about 15 seconds and then hold your arms out and very slowly start to bring your palms together. At some point, you will sense some resistance – a feel like putting your hands into a bowl of water.
Try it again – except do it faster this time.
What you are sensing is the body’s own magnetic energy.
As you develop along your healing path you will be able to sense any energy “blockages” in your client’s energy field and be able to release those blockages – thus “resetting” our energetic body.
This in turn balances our bodies and the body is able to naturally heal itself.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it.
It is!
With Love & Light