‘Quantum Entanglement’

Quantum Entanglement’ 

The science behind distant healing – sometime called ‘Quantum Entanglement’ refers to a phenomenon observed by physicists, in which 2 elementary particles, emitted from the same source, remain aware of each other even after distant separation, so that an action on one causes the same effect in both.

This was observed even by Einstein, who famously called it “spooky action at a distance”.

 It was demonstrated to be unmistakably true and measurable in the lab by Friedman & Clauser in 1972  then repeated on a larger scale by Alain Aspect in France, and several times by Nicholas Gisin in Geneva.

 David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein and a pioneer of quantum physics, called this coherence between distant entities “quantum-interconnectedness” or nonlocal correlation. The significance of this is that, even subatomic particles are connected to each other, and have awareness of each other.

The common understanding has been that ‘mind’ or ‘consciousness’ resides in the brain, i.e. it is localized. However, quantum physics is suggesting otherwise: that even the smallest of particles have awareness (consciousness) of each other. This suggests that consciousness (awareness of our selves & and our environment) exists independently of the brain, and is not localized to any particular point in time or space, i.e. it is nonlocal.

Larry Dossey, medical doctor, author, and former executive editor of the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, writes, “the mind is nonlocal that is, it cannot be localized or confined to specific points in space, such as brains and bodies, or to specific points in time, such as the present moment.“ 

This idea of nonlocal awareness or nonlocal mind is gaining support by an increasing number of scientists, due to a growing body of evidence.

Henry Stapp (chair of physics at University of California, Berkley) said that non-locality may be “the most profound discovery in all of science.

Nonlocal awareness suggests that we exist as many separate bodies, but share a common consciousness.

Russell Targ is an American laser scientist and co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute’s government program, investigating psychic abilities, for the CIA, Army Intelligence, NASA. 

Targ explains distant healing as a manifestation of nonlocal awareness. “A significant body of research now exists demonstrating that one person’s focused intentions can directly influence the physiological processes of someone far away. We do not yet understand the causal mechanism involved, but the results are indisputable, and have obvious implications for our ability to facilitate healing in others. This healing, whether in the laboratory or in a clinical setting, is considered to be nonlocal, because the efficacy of the healing or mental influence is independent of distance.

So, there you have it!

Science is now proving what healers have been practicing for centuries – but more people are wanting scientific proof.

When I first started my healing practice nearly 40 years ago, doctors used to say to me “How do you know it works?”

My simply reply was “People get better”!

Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”

With  Love & Light

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