Future Based PTSD
Future Based PTSD
As you may know, our anxiety is future based – we can feel guilty about the past, but we don’t get anxious about it.
We live in a world where we are continually planning the future – our emails and social media remind us about so many things we need to do, text messages put us under pressure, and it is estimated we check our phones every 9 minutes for even more messages and more pressure!
When we have an event planned that we are not looking forward to – maybe a job evaluation with our manager, maybe a family gathering where we are expected to make a speech or some sort of test, or a job interview we start getting anxious weeks before the event.
Our immune system becomes compromised.
In our minds what we are doing is imagining what will happen, fearing the worst, and then bringing those thoughts back into our conscious mind as if they are true!
They are not true – we have just made it up!
A technique my wife Kim created with her clients was to ask them to go past the event in their minds, realize that actually, the event went really well – far better than expected – and then bring those positive thoughts back into our conscious mind.
The result – amazing!
She calls this Future Based PTSD.
We are in the process of creating a new world, a new beginning if you like and despite what some may feel, there is no going back to “How things were”.
We have started to let go of the past way of being – but are not yet fully engaged in the new world we are creating – we are in between, and this is uncomfortable for many.
This is an opportunity for all of us to decide the sort of world we want. Do we want to cling to the old ways of being powerless, to live in fear, being controlled by the church or governments – or do we want a world of connection, co-operation, and working together for peace and harmony?
On a spiritual level, you incarnated at this time because you – yes YOU – are here because you can assist in this process. You have the wisdom, the skills, and desire to make a difference to this planet and all who live on it.
People often say well I am just a single person – how can I make a difference – what can I do?
My thoughts are if we all have integrity, honesty, and a desire to help our fellow beings we help to raise the collective consciousness.
By going inside our hearts – doing “the right thing” and realizing our connectiveness to our planet and all life on it – we will be instrumental in helping us get back on track.
As the say goes – “A journey of a thousand steps – starts with the first step”
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”