The Role of Our Guides
The Role of Our Guides
It is perhaps useful to reflect on what we think our spirit guides are and what their function is.
It is my belief that our guides and other non-physical beings meet with us before we incarnate and collectively, we decide what lessons we still need to learn whilst on the earth plane.
All beings, including our guides, reach an agreement with us and “set up” roles that they will play whilst in the physical realm to create the opportunity for us to learn whatever lesson we set.
Because we are beings of free will, there is no compunction or rules we must follow because the Earth is a planet of free choice.
Agreements and contracts are made between all participating parties – and some will reincarnate earlier in order to set the scene for when we arrive at the appropriate time.
So, we have chosen who are mother and father will be – selected because they have the necessary experience to be able to create scenarios that would enable us, if we chose, to learn the lesson we planned to learn. Other beings will play both major and minor roles by prior agreement to both help -and challenge us - whilst we are on the earth plane.
However, after we are born, the veil is used to separate us from those memories when we were out of embodiment so we cannot remember and therefore have free choice as to whether we decide to learn the lesson or not.
When discussing this with people they often say “Why would I plan to go through abuse” or “Why would I plan to have cancer” or “Why would anyone plan to lose a child” – all of which are very good questions.
Knowing that we planned it this way as a test or lesson – does not make us feel better!
The role of our guides, in my view, is to help us make the right choices and to help us achieve the goals we set out to achieve whilst in a non-physical environment.
I am sure all of us, at times, have been searching for the right action to take in a given situation and we have a “gut feeling” as to what we should do. Nothing “makes” us do this but something on a deep level, guides us on the right path.
In our workshops, I often suggest to attendees if we are pushing to go in a certain direction, ask yourself how does this feel to you? It may be logical and something you think you have to do, but, if it doesn’t “feel” right try another direction.
Try how you feel if you follow another solution – logically it may make more sense but perhaps it still feels uncomfortable in your tummy.
Try another direction – and even if this seems stupid or not possible if it “feels right” this is the universe – or your guides – moving you in that direction.
Many times, in my own life, I have wondered why I took the road less travelled – only to find down the track it was exactly the right thing to do – because the amazing situation I then found myself in, would not have happened if I had followed logic and kept pushing in the direction that made sense – but didn’t feel right.
As we are becoming more empowered and more aware of non-physical worlds – our guides are gradually backing away – we now have gifts that enable us to make the correct choices without their intervention – they want us to be more independent – but they will always be available when we need their help.
All you have to do is to ask!!
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”