How do I Know if I Have a Gift?
How do I Know if I Have a Gift?
Can I really train to be a healer - how do you know if I have a gift?
A very common and understandable question - to which I reply it’s a little bit like playing the piano - we can all learn to play - but obviously, some find it easier than others - and occasionally there is someone who, at a very early age, astonishes everyone with an amazing gift.
I believe that provided we have the desire to help others, have compassion and have a belief that there is a “power” greater than us, then the techniques can be learned.
In the last 39 years working as a healer and trainer I have seen some amazing students develop into powerful healing channels who have then gone into the world and made a difference.
Becoming a healer is more a way of life than a “job” and to ensure we are able to give the best to patients/clients we ourselves need to be clear channels for energy.
So, what exactly do we do?
A typical healing starts with listening to the patient about what brought them to you and how you can be of help. Most come with physical challenges - often as a last resort, having tried more conventional help but have not had the desired results.
By listening, watching the body language, and using our intuition the healer will often be able to understand the root cause of the issue.
The healer then spends a few minutes explaining what the patient can expect from the healing, how long it will take, and how they will know when the healing has finished. This then sets the expectations and knowing the length of time, they are reassured and can be open to relaxing.
The healer then goes through a process of grounding, attuning, protecting, etc. whilst the patient starts to relax - and send out an intention to the universe of what they hope to get from the healing.
The healer then balances the chakras, checking they are all fully open, and then scans the body, sensing any energy “blockages” which are stopping the natural flow of energy through the body. Healers are trained to release those blockages, and the prana or chi flows freely.
After about 25 minutes, the healer gently lets the patient know they have finished and asks how the client feels.
This is an opportunity for the client, if they wish, to share what they experienced and to ask any questions they may have.
Nearly everyone experiences a feeling of relaxation, peace, and harmony.
As we know, everything on our planet is energy - including us - and so the healer is changing the energy field around a patient - as opposed to changing the chemical field which is what allopathic medicine does.
This can be profound, and I have witnessed many amazing healings over the years - but acknowledging that the healer is just the conduit - not the person who is doing the healing, but simply linking to that divine source and allowing it to flow into our patient.
The energy will continue to flow for the next 2-3 days after the healing and most patients report they sleep better, their anxiety is reduced and very often that something has changed - they are on the road to recovery.
After 2 or 3 healing sessions patients open up to all sorts of issues in their lives which again help the healer in the healing process. Many of the physical illnesses are linked to emotional trauma and suppressed events which manifest as an illness - often many years after the actual event.
The rewards of being a healer are huge - being a catalyst in the healing process of another, and seeing them change physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually is a reward in itself.
I never take my gift as entitlement but feel honored and proud of being able to do the work I do. and am so blessed with meeting such amazing people on my journey.
Love & Light,
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”