Grateful for What You Have
Grateful for What You Have
We have been lucky to have travelled to many different countries – and one of the things I noticed is that often people with the least – seem the most grateful for what they have.
Why is that?
For one thing, I think the richer nations seem to be much more materialistic in their lives and consumerism encourages us to want more and more.
We are always chasing after the latest gizmo and often have a short attention span for things we have acquired easily.
I know I sound a bit like my old Dad but growing up if my brothers and I wanted something, we worked and saved up and brought it. Sometimes it would take months – but when we finally made our purchase, we appreciated what we had brought, and we looked after it.
These days we live in a “buy now – pay later” world and no one wants to wait.
We order something online and if it hasn’t arrived by the next day, we start to get irritable!!
Often we take our health for granted and it’s only if we become ill that we really appreciate how lucky we are - just to have our health. Once we feel better – many carry on as before – perhaps abusing our bodies in the way which caused us to be ill in the first place!
So, what’s the answer?
Maybe we need to slow down a bit – appreciate just how lucky we are and give gratitude for being alive and having what we have.
My old Grandma used to tell me things like “Count your blessings” and “Be thankful for what you have” and although at the time I did not associate the word gratitude with her wisdom - she was right - gratitude really is good for you.
Try it and see.
Love & Light,
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”