What is the Difference Between Energy Healing and Reiki?
What is the Difference Between
Energy Healing and Reiki?
We have touched on this topic before, but I often get asked what is it, can anyone do it - and what is the difference between Energy Healing and Reiki?
Over then last 39 years of teaching Energy Healing in England and here in the U.S. there often seems to be a perception that “only certain people” have the gift to be able to offer healing. My belief is that anyone - including YOU - have a natural gift to be able to heal both yourself and others. Each one of us has the ability to heal ourselves - and others. That gift, which is often dormant, can be awakened to transform our lives, and those around us, into something remarkable. Provided you have compassions, want to help others and have a belief that there is some sort of power that is greater than us - then you can be taught the “How” to do energy healing.
I have witnessed considerable changes over the years in the acceptance to these modalities not being “weird” or “Woo Woo” anymore. When we first arrived in Ojai, CA in December of 2002, not knowing anyone and with Christmas just a few days away, we decided to invite all the neighbors in close proximity to a party to get to know them.
One of the questions I got asked by several of these complete strangers was “Well, what do you do then? When I explained that I was a spiritual healer there was a definite look of anxiety in their eyes, they physically took two steps back and within a couple of minutes had made an excuse to go and talk to someone else! These days people seem to be fascinated by what we do and often ask if we can set up a healing session for themselves.
So what has changed?
Many of you will know that science and spirituality are starting to meld and there is now scientific proof that energy healing, reiki, healing touch, quantum healing etc. all have their place as a “complementary therapies.”
What are the differences?
If you accept that the energy comes from the same source for all of these modalities - the only real difference is the practitioner and the client/practitioner relationship.
I have been trained in Reiki and Energy Healing so have the advantage of experiencing both - so am aware of certain differences that a recipient perhaps would not know.
The healer acts as a conduit - being trained to channel energy from an external source - through the healer and into the client. This then “unblocks” any energetic blockage the client may have, thus allowing the client’s own body to heal itself. (if you want to learn more, join our Module 1: Your Awakening Path)
At Healing in America
At Healing in America, our healing protocol comes from the world - famous healer Harry Edwards, who had an amazing gift of spontaneous healing’s when he demonstrated to thousands of people at the Royal Albert Hall in London in the 1950’s. His Healing Sanctuary is still very active in Shere, Surrey in the UK, and there is a strong bond between our two organizations.
Healing sessions create a strong bond between healer and patient - often the client sharing information they have not shared with anyone else - and this invariably gives a clue as to the cause of the issue.
Over the years and working with many hundreds of clients, I have seen some amazing outcomes - and knowing it is not us who are doing the healing - but being a catalyst for change, it is an honor and privilege to be able to do healing work.
I foresee the day when doctor’s offices consist of a group of different practitioners, all with different skills and patients are guided to one or more of the staff, to help with their particular problems.
We should also become more proactive about keeping well. Why not have a regular healing session to keep yourself well - rather than wait until we become ill and then expect someone else to fix us?
I will leave you with that thought!
Love & Light,
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”