Hurtful Memories Can Stifle Your Development and Growth
Hurtful Memories
Can Stifle Your
and Growth
The first step is to break the hold of these inhibiting influences from the past. Recognize them and then either get rid of them or turn them into a positive force that pushes you ahead rather than holds you back. Identify these inhibiting memories in your life so that you control them rather than allowing them to control you.
Did someone hurt your feelings?
Forgive them - you can use the forgiveness process to let it go! Move on. Did someone punish you unfairly? It’s over. It’s done. Write down what you learnt from the experience and go on.
Here are a few of the most common emotions that burrow into the subconscious and impede our growth as individuals:
Anger: This is a natural response to a perceived attack or injury. It makes energy flow. But when allowed to simmer, it depletes energy that could be used to improve your life.
If you hold your anger for more than a week, it is only hurting you.
Anger can often be about violation of boundaries. Ask yourself, “What is this anger trying to let me know? Where do I need to set better boundaries and where do I need to say NO?” Ease your mind. Transform your anger into positive motivation.
Don’t get mad, get motivated.
Revenge: The first cousin of anger. It also robs you of strength in the long run. The person who has injured you has probably gone on with life; so should you.
Don’t let the injury hurt you further by inhibiting your growth. Lose it or use it. Instead of saying, “I’ll get them,” say, “I’ll show them. I’LL BE SOMEBODY!
”If you need a little inspiration here I just watched Eddie the Eagle on Netflix, it’s amazing what revenge and determination can achieve!
Sadness: This is more crippling than anger because it drains you from the start, sapping your will to go on.
You probably will have to let this drain away slowly at its own pace. Time heals, but if the sadness seems to linger, consciously ask yourself what do I need to let go of? And let it go!
Seek out things that make you laugh and feel positive about life. Seek peace of mind as your right.
Resentment: Life is not always fair. It is unrealistic to feel any other way, and holding on to resentment is no way to fight back.
Again what can you learn?
Is this situation letting you know what you want and what you don’t want? Use this information to move forward with your life!
Guilt: Guilt is another emotion that stands between you and your dreams.
All of us have done things we feel bad about and regret. Things we would do differently.
Many of us carry that guilt around and it keeps us from moving forward. Don’t let people put you on a guilt trip.
Say to yourself when someone is putting you on the defensive, “No matter what you do or say to me, I am still a worthwhile person.”
To rid yourself of these past emotions, put them in a perspective that is positive rather than negative and thereby cut off their painful roots in your subconscious.
Review the past with these methods - Get better, not bitter.
Find a quiet, comfortable place. Sit back and relax. Think about something or someone who caused you pain or disappointment. Now take a mental step back from that feeling and the situation. Assess it. Did the emotions that resulted make you stronger? Did they give you determination? Can you use those memories to empower you rather than drain you? Why let them hurt you further?
Try it and see!
With Love & Light,
Roger Ford & Kim Vincent
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”