How Do You Find Your Soul’s Purpose?
How Do You Find
Your Soul’s Purpose?
Often, working with clients during a healing session they will ask me “What is my soul’s purpose - what am I here to do?”
Acknowledging that we all have a “Life Purpose” is the first step in trying to discover what that is - however, we are not born with an instruction booklet telling us that if we carefully follow the notes, we will find what path we choose to follow - but it is a journey of self-discovery.
Discovering your soul's purpose is a deeply personal journey, and it often involves tuning into your inner self and the universe around you, but here are a few things that may help you on your journey.
Start by noticing what activities make you feel alive and fulfilled as these passions are often linked to your soul's purpose. Initially you may not see any connection between these and your purpose in this lifetime but just allow them to evolve and observe.
The universe often gives subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs that can guide you toward your purpose. These can come in the form of repeated themes, chance encounters, or intuitive nudges. Keep an open mind and follow these clues. They often lead to new opportunities or insights that align with your soul's purpose.
Follow your intuition as this is your soul's way of communicating with you. Trust those gut feelings and inner knowing’s. When making decisions, ask yourself how each option feels. Does it feel expansive or constrictive? This can be a good indicator of what aligns with your purpose.
Often, we are guided to move in a direction which is totally illogical - but my suggestion is that if your “gut feeling” is telling you to go in that direction - follow it!
As some of you may know, my wife Kim and I were “guided “ to move from our home in England to Ojai in California in 2002. We had a successful healing center just outside Bristol in the West of England, our courses were full, and we had as many clients as we could handle. Life was good so it was totally illogical to move nearly 5,000 miles with two young children to a place and country were we would have to start again from scratch.
However, we were told by spirit to move and so we did.
We brought a house on the internet which we never saw until we moved!
Of course, but when we considered the potential of running energy healing courses in the U.S. - as we had in the U.K. for the previous 18 years, - we became excited and felt this is what we were supposed to do.
Often, our greatest growth and clarity come from overcoming challenges. These experiences can reveal strengths, passions, and purposes we may not have recognized otherwise. Kim and I felt strongly this is what the universe was encouraging us to do - and so we did.
Finding your soul's purpose is a journey rather than a destination. As you explore these steps, you'll deepen your connection with your true self and the unique path meant for you.
As I have said many times in these newsletter, surround yourself with people who are also on a path of self-discovery or who inspire you. Their energy and perspectives can support your journey. Remember that finding your soul’s purpose is a journey that unfolds over time, not something that happens overnight.
Starting the journey to discover your soul's purpose can feel overwhelming, but taking small, intentional steps can make it more manageable and rewarding.
Consider some of the following steps you can take which will help on your journey.
Set aside time each day, even if it’s just 5-10 minutes, to sit in quiet reflection or meditation. This helps you connect with your inner self without distractions
Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. You might want to light a candle, play soothing music, or sit in nature to create a peaceful environment.
If you are not already doing it, begin a journal dedicated to this journey. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and any insights that come up during your quiet time.
Ask yourself open-ended questions like: What do I love to do? What have been the happiest moments of my life? What do people often come to me for advice about?
Don’t worry about getting it "right." Just let your thoughts flow without judgment. This is about exploring, not finding definitive answers immediately.
Listen to your body and emotions as they are powerful guides. When something feels good, your body often feels lighter or more energized. If something feels wrong, you might feel tension or discomfort. Keep track of these feelings in your journal. Over time, patterns may emerge that point toward your soul's purpose.
If you feel stuck, consider working with a mentor, spiritual teacher, or healer. They can offer guidance, support, and tools to help you on your journey. Remember you are never alone - even though you may feel so at times.
Starting with these small steps will gradually help you uncover the path to your soul's purpose. Remember, this is a deeply personal journey, and it's okay to take it one step at a time.
Try it and see!
With Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand,
no amount of explaining will be sufficient”