What do we mean by the Universal Spiritual Laws?
What do we mean
by the Universal
Spiritual Laws?
For those of you who have been to one of my meditation groups you may have heard me say “You only have to ask the universe once for what you want, and it will always be given - it’s one of the universal spiritual laws”
So, what exactly are the universal spiritual laws and where do they come from?
The Universal Spiritual Laws are a set of principles many believe govern the universe and the experiences we have within it. These laws are often seen as the underlying rules of life that apply to everyone, regardless of culture, religion or personal beliefs.
Some of these laws are well known such as The Law of Attraction which says, “Like attracts Like” and this law suggests that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Positive or Negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences.
Another well-known one is The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) which means every action has a reaction. What we put out into the world, whether its energy, behavior or intentions it will come back to us in some form.
Others you may not be so familiar with are: -
Law of Vibration
Everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibrates at a specific frequency. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions carry a vibration that can affect what we attract into our lives.
Law of Correspondence
"As above, so below; as within, so without." This law indicates that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and there is harmony and consistency between the physical, mental, and spiritual realms.
Law of Inspired Action
To manifest desires, it's not enough to just think positively. One must take inspired and aligned action towards their goals.
Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is always moving and changing forms. We have the power to transform negative energy into positive energy through our thoughts and actions.
Law of Relativity
Nothing is inherently good or bad; it’s all relative. We understand and appreciate life’s experiences in comparison to others.
Law of Polarity
Everything has an opposite: hot and cold, light and dark, good and bad. These contrasts are necessary for understanding and experiencing life.
Law of Rhythm
Life is cyclical, and everything has its own rhythm or flow, like the seasons, the phases of the moon, or the cycles of life. This law reminds us that nothing stays the same forever.
Law of Gender
Everything has both masculine and feminine energies, and balance between these energies is necessary for creation and harmony.
Law of Divine Oneness
Everything in the universe is connected. Our thoughts, actions, and energies affect the collective consciousness, influencing the world around us.
So, there you have it.
These laws are often used in spiritual teachings and practices to help individuals understand their place in the universe and how to live in alignment with these principles, to create a harmonious life.
Where did these wise words come from you may ask?
Well, my understanding is the concept of Universal Spiritual Laws stems from ancient teachings found across multiple cultures, philosophies, and spiritual traditions. These laws are often seen as guiding principles that govern the energetic and spiritual aspects of life, aligning with ideas like karma, balance, and harmony.
Here are some off the key origins: -
Ancient Egypt and Hermeticism: The Kybalion, a key Hermetic text from ancient Egypt, outlines the seven Hermetic principles, which are seen as spiritual laws governing the universe. These principles include concepts like the law of vibration, polarity, and rhythm.
Eastern Philosophy: Hinduism and Buddhism, both of which emerged thousands of years ago, contain ideas of cosmic order and universal laws. The Law of Karma (cause and effect) is central to both traditions. Similarly, Taoism teaches about the balance of yin and yang, and how the Tao (the natural way) governs everything.
Greek Philosophy: Thinkers like Pythagoras and Plato discussed the metaphysical nature of the universe, suggesting that the cosmos operates according to certain higher laws or principles. Plato, for instance, spoke of an ordered universe guided by eternal truths.
Christian Mysticism and Western Esotericism: Christian mystics and later Western esoteric traditions (like Kabbalah and Gnosticism) built on earlier teachings, emphasizing spiritual laws like the law of love, unity, and divine will.
New Thought Movement: In the 19th and 20th centuries, spiritual teachers like those in the New Thought movement (e.g., The Secret, the Law of Attraction) popularized the idea of spiritual laws, combining them with modern psychology and metaphysical practices.
I hope this helps your understanding and has taken a little more of the mystery away, enabling us you to see the wisdom and thinking behind these saying.
Try it and see!
With Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand,
no amount of explaining will be sufficient”