How Your Thoughts Can Affect Your Emotions and Actions
How Your Thoughts Can Affect Your Emotions and Actions
Have you ever noticed how your thoughts can affect your emotions and actions? Or how a negative or positive emotion can spiral into a series of negative or positive thoughts and behaviors?
It's no secret that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all interconnected. In fact, research has shown that the way we think about ourselves and the world around us has a direct impact on our emotional state, behavior, and health.
I heard a story a while back about a lady who had fully recovered from stage 4 breast cancer.
Some weeks later it was only when she was talking to a friend that she said “Well it was only stage 4 – so it was in the early stage – had it been stage 1 it would have been much more serious”.
Her belief was that should get better because it was in the early stages!
Another documented case was where a hospital in the UK reported the case of a woman who had experienced long-lasting fertility problems. She then discovered that she had a tumor between her rectum and her uterus, but before doctors could operate, she finally conceived.
All went well and a healthy baby was delivered – only for the doctors to find that the cancer had mysteriously vanished during the pregnancy. Nine years later she shows no sign of a relapse.
Understandably science is trying to look at the scientific reason for these recoveries- many studies are taking place but maybe the answer lies in a simpler explanation.
We know that thoughts are living things so if we think we not going to get better - the chances are we won’t.
This happens when we are told by the medical profession, we only have x weeks or months to live – it’s like the kiss of death - and only the very strong or people who are very determined to prove they are wrong – can get back to full health.
That’s why as healers, we need to be positive and without promising anything – which we cannot – supporting and encouraging clients will enhance the energy healing we give them and increase their chances of “healing”.
Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking - our thoughts create our reality - so be careful what you think!
Try it and see!
“Each one of us has the ability to heal ourselves and others. That gift, which is often dormant, can be awakened and used to transform our lives, and those around us, into something remarkable”