Karma from all our Previous Lifetimes

Karma from all our Previous Lifetimes

I read some time ago that in this lifetime we are working through all of our Karma from all previous lifetimes!

If you think about it, this is giving us a great opportunity of clearing all the old “stuff” that has been lurking around for ever – and a way of preparing ourselves for the “new norm”

This may account for so many people going through so many emotional trauma’s right now – all of the past karma is coming to the surface and we can get rid of it forever.

As we go through life’s lessons, once we get to  the underlying  reason for the challenge – it goes away and never comes back. However, don’t become complacent!  Just when we breath a sigh of relief the universe, in its wisdom, sends the next lesson and so it goes on.

What is important is not what may be going on in our lives, but how we handle it.

Can we learn to forgive – can we be honest with everyone – can we be kind and treat others as we like to be treated?

These are the challenges you set yourself before this incarnation – and although you cannot remember or understand why you would set such difficult situations in your life, you did set them in order to help with your spiritual growth.

You may not appreciate or understand it, but you are more highly evolved on your spiritual path than you may think. I often think we are like fledglings in a nest on the cliff edge and are just waiting to fly. We need someone or something to give us a push – and YEA – we can fly!!

So as you wonder why there is so much chaos and unrest in your life, stand back and look at the bigger picture – assume the responsibility that this is of your making, you invited the situation in – look at what it is you are supposed to be learning from it and sort it. 

Rest assured it will not come back!

“No one can dim the light that shines within”

Stay well,