Humor is all Around us
Humor is all Around us
Some years ago, we went to see Billy Connolly live in LA, and although he may not be everyone’s “cup of tea” I have to say he was very funny and I came out of the theatre with muscle aches from laughing.
A couple of days later I was telling a friend and she said “Wow – what did he talk about?” You know what – I couldn’t remember a word he said!
That does not mean old age is setting in and my memory is going, it just shows what comics say is not important, the important bit is being able to laugh.
I honestly believe having a sense of humor is so important and contributes to a healthy attitude to life – these days we seem to take life so seriously and whilst there are many serious issues to contemplate, we need to balance these with the more amusing aspects of living.
Humor is all around us – but often we are too busy to even notice!
My personal belief is that we came to this incarnation to bring love and joy to our lives and to others and to learn to cope with whatever challenges we are given. Of course, there is a lot wrong with the world – but there is also a lot right.
In one of the earlier newsletters, I talked about the positive news which is all around us. There is so much good going on – you don’t have to see it on the news or read it in the newspaper – just open your eyes – it’s on your own doorstep.
A smile, a good deed, and an encouraging word can make someone's day – and if you can have a chuckle or laugh with someone, it raises a person’s spirit.
We are in the process of creating the “new norm” – let us all play a part in making sure our world depicts what it was intended to be – a place of love, a place of light, a place of harmony, and a place of laughter.
As the English poet Lord Byron once said: “Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”
I’m doing my bit – are you?
“No one can dim the light that shines within”
Stay well,