Negative News

Negative News

Have you noticed how much of the news we see and hear is negative news?

Have you thought about what that does to us - always hearing what is wrong with the world, how people are suffering everywhere, how there is a shortage of this or that, how the world is a dangerous place, and so on?

Well, it sure doesn’t cheer you up!

They say that good news doesn’t sell newspapers, but I wonder if that’s true.

When we lived in Bristol, England there was a newspaper called “The Good News” which was a free paper that came out every couple of weeks.

As the name implies it only reported positive, heart-opening, and touching stories of what people all around the world were doing.

After reading you would find your spirits were lifted, there was a spring in your step, and you became more aware of your thoughts and actions being more positive.

As you may guess there really is so much “good stuff” out there which is generally not circulated.

I mentioned this at one of our workshops a few months ago and one of our attendees explained to the group there was an online daily posting called “Goodnews network” ( which I signed up for.

Whilst not all the stories are world-shattering, it does reconfirm how many people are doing good, coming from their hearts, helping others, and making a positive impact on the world as we create this new reality.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
With Love & Light.

Stay well,

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