Spread a Little Love

Spread a Little Love

During the festive season let’s all try to spread the love a little.

Having a love of life is a great gift – and I can honestly say I really do love life with its ups and downs and I have so much to be grateful for.

Remember to look for the good in others and try not to be drawn to people with negative frequencies – hang out with people where you can laugh and be totally yourself.

“Years may wrinkle the skin – but to give up on the enthusiasm of life is to wrinkle the soul” 

We were lucky enough to spend some time with Dr. Gary Swartz a while back, and what impressed me the most was his almost childlike enthusiasm for everything and everyone.

It was infectious and he has this healthy appetite for what is next in life and the joy of the game!

So, let’s put into action many of the things you have learned this year – gratitude, forgiveness, giving unconditional love, willingness to give to others, letting go, creating abundance, to surrender, and to laugh – at ourselves and to others.

Have a magical Holiday.

Remember – “Nothing can dim the light that shines within”
With Love & Light.

Stay well,

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