Introspective Moments

Introspective Moments

With the days getting shorter and the weather bringing the first hints of winter, most people prefer staying at home. This is great news for introverts – now you can take a walk in a quiet park, and no one will interrupt your thoughts with their loud talking and laughing. Or enjoy the comfort of your home, listening to the calming, almost hypnotizing sound of raindrops.

Those of us in California may have to listen to a recording of the sound of raindrops!!

These introspective moments of solitude are perfect for thinking about your summer adventures, indulging in nostalgia for those happy sunny days, and feeling thankful for the experiences and emotions they brought you.

After all, “It’s not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy,” don’t you agree?

Apart from hobbies, this time of the year with its melancholic beauty inspires us to turn inwards and spend more time with ourselves.

Why not use it for meditation, reading, and other activities that will nourish your soul and help know yourself better?

Whether you love fall or not, you can always find ways to enjoy it and spend time wisely, doing the things that fill you up and help you become a better and wiser person.

Don’t miss the opportunity to use the inspiration of this season for reflection about yourself and your life.

Stay well,

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