Holiday Season Gatherings

Holiday Season Gatherings

As we are into the holiday season many of us re-connect with family and friends which in itself can be quite stressful.

All types of “gatherings” can bring up past memories where maybe things were said and done which in hindsight we could have been handled differently.

If we have been at the receiving end of harsh words or arguments that have got out of hand and we then come into contact again with the perpetrator of that event, how do we handle it?

One way is to ignore them – keep out of their way – and maybe leave as soon as we can!

That often means we spend the rest of our lives avoiding and blaming them.

The other way is to deliberately make sure we go up to the person and ask if you can speak to them for a few minutes.

This takes a bit of courage, but we have created an opportunity to defuse a situation and at least take the heat out of the confrontation.

Now, you may feel indignant and “know” it was not your fault and there is no way you will forgive the other person.

However, I suggest even if your perception is that it is definitely not your fault, you make amends and both move on with your lives.

Who’s fault it was really doesn’t matter – what you will do is to feel better by releasing that emotional charge you have been carrying for a while – and that in itself is huge for you.

Stay well,

articleRoger FordComment