Reflection on this Past Year

Reflection on this Past Year

As the year start to wind down it’s a good idea to think about gifts for those we love and appreciate – and to reflect on the year about what we have achieved – how we have grown and changed – what we have learnt and what we could perhaps have done differently.

I am not a great believer in spending too much time examining the past – after all it has past! – neither too much time worrying about the future – its not happened yet! – so I try to live in the present.

However, none of our lives are the same as they were 2 years ago. We have had opportunities to look inwards and for many of us our priorities have changed.  What we once perceived as important may not be so important now. Perhaps we used to take our health for granted – maybe not so much now.

I have certainly grown closer to my 3 brothers who live in England.  One of them caught Covid whilst attending hospital for a small operation – he became seriously ill and was put into an induced coma for 4 days and we nearly lost him. Fortunately, he fully recovered but it has helped to focus the mind as to what is really important.  Since then, all 4 of us talk regularly and are much closer than we have ever been. Kim and I are planning to go back next April to spend time with them and my children.

So, why did we all have to go through such challenging times?

How did we handle the highs and lows?

How did we cope with the stress and pressure of new situations we find ourselves in?

Believe it or not, we actually volunteered to be here during these changes – can you believe it?

We are honored to be part of the “plan” to change the vibration on our planet – to move it closer to the light.

“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”

Have a magical Thanksgiving.

With Love & Light,

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