Rewire Your Brain with Gratitude
Rewire Your Brain with Gratitude
Did you know that gratitude can lead to feelings of love, appreciation, generosity, and compassion, which further opens our hearts and helps to rewire our brains to fire in more positive ways?
According to Psychology Today, the regular practice of gratitude can change how our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns.
The positive emotions we evoke can soothe distress and broaden our thinking patterns, so we develop a larger and more expansive view of our lives.
Gratitude is an emotion of connectedness, reminding us we are part of a larger universe with all living things
“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude”
Remember that gratitude turns what we have, into enough.
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With Love & Light,
“No one can dim the light that shines within”