Our Subconscious Mind
Our Subconscious Mind
The first 6 or 7 years of a child’s life determine what their adult life will likely be like.
During these first few years everything we see, do, hear, experience, etc. is recorded in our subconscious mind.
Science has now shown that even when we are in the mother’s womb – the mothers emotions are transmitted through the placenta into the embryo – which then experiences these emotions.
If a mother is excited about having a child and is supported through pregnancy, this will be reflected in the child's attitudes as it grows.
Conversely, if the mother is fearful and believes the world is a difficult and unsafe place to live, that will also be reflected in the child’s beliefs. They will grow up being fearful and shy.
We know that we are only “conscious” for about 5% of the time – so what happens in later life – our behavior – is a reflection of what is recorded in our subconscious mind.
The conscious mind about 40 “bits” of information per second – the subconscious mind absorbs 40 million “bits” of information a second!
So, if as a 4-year-old, you are continually told “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or “We can’t afford it” you will grow up with financial issues – and probably struggle through life with the same beliefs.
If one of your siblings is perceived as being favored by one of your parents and you are continually being compared – you will grow up feeling “not good enough”and again this will repeat itself in your behavior throughout your life.
The good news is that we can “change” that recording, and by using various NLP techniques – overwrite it with more positive beliefs.
Having observed hundreds of students experience this in our self-healing workshops, the saying “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood” can be a reality.
With Love & Light,
“No one can dim the light that shines within”