According to some schools of psychological and spiritual thought, random coincidences are synchronicities—or very intentional and on-purpose winks from the universe.
“A synchronicity is a collision of events where something other than the probability of chance is involved, and this confluence feels meaningful,” says Monica Berg, author and co-host of the Spiritually Hungry podcast. “It is an event where needs are met, people are encountered, or things just come together perfectly when we need them.”
Synchronicities are not just coincidences meant to surprise and delight us – rather spiritual synchronicities are strategically orchestrated and perfectly aligned to deliver a message, provide guidance, or provide reassurance that we’re on the right path. “Most of us notice lots of things, but we usually choose to believe they have nothing to do with us Berg says “Spiritually everything we see is put in front of us for a reason”
“The forces above are sending these synchronicities as a means to dial down out hectic world and to start listening to our voice within” says Lumi Pelinku.
To spot spiritual synchronicities in your life, Berg advises looking around, paying attention, and being present. “Be open to seeing what is there, not just what you are looking for or expect to be there,” she says.
“Stop mentally going over your schedule, your task list, and your worries while you do this. Allow your mind to wander, and be curious about your environment.”
Furthermore, its important to be open to receiving the messages and not necessarily looking feverishly for them. “The best way to tune in and seek out the signs is to not look for them,” Pelinku says.
“This may sound like a paradox but the best way to receive messages is to let go of expectations and hone in on your intuition. Pay attention but don’t look for them.
As far as interpreting the specific messages goes, it’s best to rely on your intuition.
A specific synchronicity can mean one thing to one person, and something different to someone else. “Always listen to your inner voice and set aside the fear-based way of thinking in order to discern the information received,” Pelinku says.
She advises paying attention to what you were thinking about or doing when the synchronicity presented. For instance, if you’re thinking about a loved one who has passed and you randomly hear their favorite song, it's a message worth introspecting about. Ultimately, the power for seeing and interpretating starts and ends with you!
With Love & Light,
“No one can dim the light that shines within”