Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides
So what do we know about our guides?
As I have mentioned before, we are going through many changes as high frequency energy bombards our planet, raising our consciousness and vibration – whether you believe in it or not!
So, as we make these changes – it would be useful to realize that we are not alone, and that there are spirit beings who are always there for us to help during these times.
The “veil” is thinning, and we are beginning to remember “Home” in our waking state.
Many people are feeling anxious and restless – on some level you know that there is something important that you need to be doing- but you cannot remember what it is.
So what are Spirit Guides and how can they help us at this time.
Each person has one or two main guides who stay with him or her and guide them through many lifetimes. Part of their function is to help you follow your chosen destiny and to oversee specific issues. These are usually guides with a span of consciousness and dimensions not as broad or as all encompassing as those of high-level master guides.
Although they have no “body” they often appear how they think you will be able to relate to them.
In addition, we have “Teacher Guides” or Supplemental guides who stay during specific learning times and are chosen because of that specific learning
These are requested before we incarnate and agree to come into our lives when appropriate and when we ask for their help with a particular lesson
e.g. an artist would have artist guides for inspiration etc.,
A guide may be purely intellectual and want to impart new ideas of science, logic, math’s etc. Even at the highest levels, guides have different talents and areas of expertise just as we do. Some may be good at giving concrete advice, problem solving or helping you out with everyday advice. Some may be good at giving inspiring, informative talks or about relaying spiritual truths. If you ask a question outside of their area of expertise, they will find the information out for you. Guides align with you because you are most aligned with what THEY want to bring to earth.
Guides may appear as male or female although in the realms of pure energy there is no polarity, so guides are not truly male or female.
There are so many places that our guides come from – some have been incarnated on the earth and lived at least one lifetime, those who have not lived an earth life and are from dimensions outside the galaxy and stars, the Masters such as St. Germain, Angels such as Michael and Raphael, including guardian angels and extraterrestrial entities from other galaxies and planets.
Not all entities from the higher realms choose to be guides, but those who do are highly skilled in transmitting energy from their dimensions into ours. It takes an enormous amount of energy from their plane to reach through to ours and it is done out of pure love of humanity and devotion.
As guides communicate with you, others from their realms help to amplify the energy. The vibration of your guides is so expanded and vast that it takes considerable skill and intent in order to be able to make that connection with us.
Many guides come from the CAUSAL PLANE which is a very high, fine vibratory dimension that you can only live when you have a highly evolved state and harmonized your energies. Most souls exist on the ASTRAL PLANE when they pass as they are not evolved enough to pass through to the causal plane.
Some people see or sense their guides as a radiant shimmer of light that sits around the physical body- particularly at times of meditation-. Some see their guides as a color, others as sounds – or others sense or feel their guides opening in their hearts.
You need to be discriminating about what guides you connect with. Great teachers exist in every plane of reality- but there are many who are not at this level. So, how do you ensure you have the highest possible guidance?
When you meet someone on the earth plane you have an immediate sense of how wise and loving they are. You know if you feel good and happy around them or feel unhappy and uncomfortable. With a guide, use the same judgement. You have the ability to recognize wisdom. Truth feels as if you already know it.
High level guides neither frighten you nor build up your ego. They do not flatter, although they will applaud your progress. They create a sense of expanded awareness and greater inner vision. They will support you and encourage you to develop your inner strengths and deeper wisdom. They will encourage you NOT to give your power to them.
High level guides express themselves with precision and say MUCH WITH FEW WORDS. They teach tolerance and encourage forgiveness. ONLY ACCEPT THOSE MESSAGES WHICH RING TRUE TO THE DEEPEST PART OF YOUR BEING.
If you find you are being given information which can heighten the emotions such as fright, or build your ego by telling you that you are going to be rich or famous, if you feel scared, powerless, depressed or worried about your life after they have given you advice, the guides are much less evolved and you should call in higher guidance.
Guides will not deceive you if you ask where they are from. If you ask them if they are from the light they will not say YES if they aren’t. Ask for a high guide and they will be there.
One of the best times to connect is during sleep state when we are most relaxed.
Just before you go to sleep, send out a thought requesting that your guide makes contact with you and shows you something you will recognize. Could be just a color, an article or a shape – it really doesn’t matter as long as it is meaningful to you.
Have a paper and pen by the bed and as soon as you wake up, write down your impressions.
You may be surprised once you are open to the possibilities!
For those who are interested, I have a powerful visualization/meditation to meet you guides – if you would like a copy just call or email me and I will be happy to send it. 805 407 5366 or info@healinginamerica.com
With Love & Light,
“No one can dim the light that shines within”