“The Wisdom of Uncertainty”
“The Wisdom of Uncertainty”
The ego loves to control everything. It creates the boundaries and limitations in which you imprison yourself. Surrender allows you to break free and step into what Deepak Chopra calls “the wisdom of uncertainty.”
With surrender, you can connect fully with your source where the whole universe conspires to support you. You can become timeless, eternal, infinite, joy-filled, and fearless. Individual aspirations and desires are surrendered to a higher power.
Now that you know why surrender is so powerful, the question becomes, how do you surrender? Here are a couple of steps to follow on your journey toward surrendering.
To fully surrender, you must have FAITH or as Indian philosopher, Sri Aurobindo described it as “The soul’s belief in the Divine’s existence, its wisdom, power, love, and grace.”
No need to think of anything else, no need to go anywhere else, no need to deviate anywhere from your goal. It is a state of total confidence and respect for all things. This is to have faith in your spiritual teachers, in the teachings, and in yourself. The faith that helps you accept everything—the good and bad equally.
You also need PATIENCE. Faith and patience complement each other. Each is both the cause as well as the effect of the other. Both are the means as well as the end of the other. Between them, they contain a complete code of conduct for a spiritual life.
Indian spiritual master Shirdi Sai Baba emphasized them as necessary for harmony and well-being. The patience to allow things to unfold naturally with the understanding that everything you need will automatically come your way at the perfect moment.
For many of us having patience is challenging – we live in a world where we often expect everything instantaneously – we have become used to pressing a switch, making a phone call, or plugging something in - and a delay of even a few seconds can be frustrating.
If we look at nature, everything is in harmony – the seasons come when the time is right, we cannot hurry things along – and neither should we try!
On a spiritual level If we all just surrendered and allowed everything to happen in its own time – we would live much more peaceful and contented lives.
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”