Abundance Consciousness
Abundance Consciousness
Many of us associate abundance with finance and materialism – we feel that if we had loads of money all would be well in our lives – and we would truly feel we had abundance.
However, those of you who read the newspapers you will know that so many wealthy people are very unhappy – unsatisfied, stressed and “searching” for inner peace.
As I have mentioned before, some of the happiest and contented people I have encountered are people who have very little in terms of worldly goods – but have inner peace and satisfaction with what they have.
Growing up in a small quarry mining town in England during the second World War, one of the sayings I remember my Dad saying many times was “Money doesn’t grow on trees”
Maybe not surprisingly, we had very little money and I often think his limiting belief around money and scarcity created that reality.
Having said that, my 3 brothers and I never felt the “lack” of anything and enjoyed a really happy childhood and an amazing extended family created love, appreciation of each other and lots of laughter.
To attract abundance into your life, you need to feel abundant. You have to develop an “abundance consciousness”. By that, I mean becoming aware of the existence of plenty of everything, of feeling it in your life, and of connecting with it, even if it doesn’t seem to be a part of your life at this moment.
This kind of consciousness means, feeling and believing that you are a part of it, and it is part of your life.
We also have to feel that we deserve it!
I sometimes suggest to clients who have a “poverty consciousness mentality” to go to car showroom where they have BMW or Tesla cars and just go and sit in one in the showroom. Feel at home and comfortable in that space. Perhaps go to an expensive hotel and sit and have a coffee or a cup of tea and again blend into the atmosphere, feel comfortable amongst this wealth and abundance.
Tell the universe what it is that you want and never deviate from knowing the universe will provide this for us. Feel as if you already have it.
Hold that vibration whilst the universe is bringing that energy towards you.
This kind of consciousness-awareness opens your mind to see it around you, and to recognize opportunities. “Abundance consciousness” breaks through the limiting beliefs of your mind and opens your mind to wider opportunities and a wider point of view.
There is abundance in the Universe, and everyone is part of it, no matter where he or she lives, and irrespective of one’s situation and circumstances. To participate in this wealth and richness, you need to open your mind to it, feel it, and expect it.
What you repeatedly imagine in your mind you ultimately achieve.
Remember that abundance and prosperity are not just having things. It is the consciousness that attracts things.
However, there is an old cliché that money does not bring happiness and I think it is important we do not just think of abundance as monetary.
So, on the surface many people have “abundance” but, I suspect, would give it up to find to find peace of mind and true love in their lives.
Try it and see!
Love & Light
“For those who understand – no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand, no amount of explaining will be sufficient”