Your Innate Ability to Heal
Your Innate Ability to Heal
World of Healing
My belief is that everyone has an innate ability to be able to heal both themselves – and others -but often it needs an event to “trigger” it off. Often this is through an illness, the loss of someone close, receiving healing for a condition or a realization about our impermanence.
In my own case it was through the loss of my Dad who died at an early age with lung cancer that I started me to explore what “life is all about”
England has many spiritualist churches and it was through attending several times at one in Weston Super Mare, England in 1978 and each time whoever was giving the service came to me and said “Did you know that you are a healer”.
Back in those days there was no internet and very few books written about energy healing but through a number of synchronistic events I found myself attending a monthly meditation event in Glastonbury with Tony and Margaret Payne. Through their guidance and development I read about the work done by a world renown healer - Harry Edwards.
He had an amazing gift and people would come in their thousands from all over the world to his demonstrations, many at the Royal Albert Hall in London. He often had spontaneous healings and he played a large part in getting spiritual healing accepted by the National Health Service in the 1977.
Although he is no longer alive his Healing Sanctuary in Shere, Surrey is still running and helping people develop their gifts.
Click below to see more of his work and his healing sanctuary in England
It is not unusual for medical doctors in the U.K. to refer their patients to qualified healers, some healers working in doctors’ surgeries and many in hospitals.
My wife Kim and I were trained by the organization he helped create, and after 2 years training went on to do a further 2 years training become trainers in his work. We ran workshops in Bristol, England for several years before being guided specifically to Ojai, CA in 2002 to carry on this work.
Since then things have progressed so energy healing – and many other complementary therapies – are widely accepted as working alongside conventional medicine – the medical doctor and the therapist working together for the good of the patient.
Now, with a greater understanding of quantum physics and knowing that everything is energy, it is a scientifically based modality with proof that it works.
Here in the U.S. Medical Doctor Dr Dan Benor has written many papers of evidence-based trials and his Consciousness, BioEnergy and Healing is a best seller. He formed the Doctor-Healer Network some 20 years ago, bringing medical doctors and energy healing practitioners together.
To learn more check out his web site
If developing your healing gift is something you are interested in, check out our certified energy healing workshops.