The Power of Self Healing
The Power of Self Healing
As many of you know, I have spoken before about my belief that all healing is ultimately self-healing however our mind plays a large part in the healing process.
One of my clients – John – came to me after surgery for cancer of the pancreas in which the surgeon had removed some 40% of the organ.
He decided he would change many things in his life – he became vegetarian, started taking yoga classes three times a week, was exercising more, and had a very positive outlook for the future.
I saw John for 3 healing sessions which he said were really helping him with his “new life” and helping with sleep patterns etc. On the 4th week, I went to see him, and before he said anything I could tell something was wrong. He went on to say that he had had his check-up with the hospital consultant who had told him that although he was doing really well, statistically he only had a 5% chance of surviving two years!!!!
Because this was a medical consultant – John accepted his prognosis without question and consequently, John’s whole energy system seemed to implode. He became pessimistic, unresponsive, and for the first time negative in his beliefs. I saw John only once more and then he decided that he would discontinue the weekly energy healing – so I lost touch and don’t really know what happened to him. However – I suspect he went downhill at this point.
I was furious with the consultant as John was so positive and getting on so well through his new life-style and I remember I wrote a letter to the consultant expressing my anger and frustration at his remarks. Fortunately, I did not mail it!!
On another occasion, I was working in an oncology department in a hospital in Oxnard, CA and one of the patients who had a tumor in her stomach came for healing. After treating her for 3 sessions and getting to know her better I asked what had happened in her life 18 months-2 years before she was first diagnosed. She started to cry and asked why I had asked. I replied I was just curious, and she went on to say she had lost her mother – and then went on to say that they had not spoken to each other for 15 years. I said wow! what on earth did you fall out about. Her reply – I can’t remember!
So, here was this lady who was feeling so much guilt about losing her mother and not speaking to her for 15 years over something she could not remember they fell out about.
So, as part of the healing sessions, I helped her let go of her guilt – and her tumor went from the size of a grapefruit to the size of a pea in 4 weeks. Amazing!
So what happened? My belief is that our emotions – unresolved emotional issues – cause most of our illnesses. Often when we have stressful situations instead of expressing and letting go we internalize the issue where it seems to fester and then manifest itself as an illness some months later.
I have seen so many people improve and get well by addressing and releasing stuck emotions I know this is the primary cause of so much illness and suffering. We all know people with cancer – and I am sure if you ask or already know what happened 18-24 months before they were diagnosed – you will find the reason for unresolved emotional issues.
By keeping ourselves in balance, eating the right food, being in the right relationship, having a job we love, having a spiritual practice, supportive friends, and a positive attitude towards life I believe we will not become ill.
Try it and see!!
Really worth watching this TED talk by Lissa Rankin, MD “Is there scientific proof that we can heal ourselves”