The Power of Beliefs
The Power of Beliefs
Why is it that some people seem to sail through life effortlessly and others seem to struggle from the get-go? Are some just lucky and don’t seem to have to work hard to achieve what they want in life? Why is it that others often have issues around relationships, friends, money, jobs, health etc. – everything they touch seems to go wrong?
As you may be aware, in the first 6 or 7 years of our lives the foundation of our beliefs are formed in our subconscious minds – which in turn affects us throughout the whole of our lives. All those things we experience, we hear, we see, we are told - all create the world we believe to be true – and we then look for evidence to prove we are right!
So, if as a youngster we are told by parents, siblings, teachers, friends etc. that we are not good enough, those patterns will be laid in our subconscious minds so later as an adult, when we perhaps go for a job interview, - on some deep level – we fear that we will not get the job because we are stupid! That prophecy is often the outcome and we don’t get the job.
We then look for reasons as to why – maybe the interviewer didn’t like us, what you were asked seems unfair, we look for any excuse to blame for our disappointment.
Our beliefs are so powerful that we tend to sabotage anything that feels out of alignment with those beliefs. So, these self-limiting beliefs can and will stop us from reaching our full potential and being all that we truly are.
It is estimated that some 77% of our talk is negative, that by the age of 18 we have been told several thousands of time “No we can’t”
So, does talking about our problems and limiting beliefs help us? I believe it may temporarily help just a little – but the same record continues to play in our subconscious mind which is the pattern laid down in those early years.
So what can we do?
There are many techniques that will help to “overwrite” that message – over-record what we believe to be true which will give us a whole new outlook on ourselves and on our lives. The good news is that we do not have to revisit what went wrong in our lives, all the trauma, and drama.
Far better to focus on what we do want – science has now shown that we move towards the things that we think about – if we think about success we will start to move in that direction. If we think about good health we will start to move in that direction and so on. If we think about what we haven’t got – guess what – the universe will supply more of what we haven’t got.
By use of eye integration techniques and NLP, we can let go of old, unsupportive beliefs and “reset” our subconscious mind to new more empowering beliefs which will have a positive contribution to our lives and those around us.
Is it a long process? Absolutely not – in one or two sessions with a qualified practitioner these belief patterns can be changed – quickly and painlessly – and then watch your whole life become enhanced.
By changing a core limiting belief it is like a row of dominoes – changing one ripples through them all.