What is Illness?

What is Illness?

Ask Roger

Often people come for a healing session for a problem they may have had for many years – and their expectation is that they should be instantly healed. Whilst this does happen – sometimes it takes time and the client also needs to make changes to their life style.

A lady came to see me who was a heavy smoker – I could hear wheezing some 50 yards away – and wanted me to help with her cough and tightness of the chest. I gave here healing for 2 sessions and on the third time I saw her I felt impressed to tell her about her smoking. I put it in a diplomatic way and suggested whilst ever she continued to smoke, the healing would be limited in helping her “heal”.

She was not amused!
She wheezed out of my room and I never saw her again.

Imagine my surprise when some 10 months later I had a phone call from this lady to thank me for the healing- although she had not given up smoking completely she was down to 2 cigarettes a day – and she felt so much better!

Often it is necessary to suggest to clients that they need to think about changing things in order for things to change.  The old saying “if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always got” is very true.

Illness is the body telling us all is not well!  We need to listen to the messages our bodies are relaying to us – and then we decide whether or not to listen and take action.

We do not suddenly wake up one morning with cancer, or suddenly have a heart attack or diabetes – our bodies have been sending us messages for weeks or months that we need to make changes in our life – but often we do not listen.

As beings of free will – we have choices – and we can decide what we want to do – but if you know you are living an unhealthy life style and continue to ignore it, we shouldn’t be surprised if it results in some sort of illness.

My own thoughts are that our bodies infinite wisdom gives us guidance – if we feel we should eat something – then we probably should. If you crave a banana – your body probably need potassium. If a little voice tells to not to eat meat – your probably should not – just listen to your own gut feeling.

I had my own personal experience way back in 1992. For years I knew I was in the wrong job – but because the pay was good I convinced myself I had to stick it out – my marriage of 25 years had ended in divorce with all the negative connotations of that, my eating was unhealthily, and I kept getting strong intuitive thoughts that I need to change my life.  After ignoring these warnings, I had a heart attack!!  Whilst in the intensive care unit for 4 days I had plenty of time to reflect on my life and I made a decision to leave my job, start eating a vegetarian diet, excising regularly and spend all my time working full time as a healer - which is my passion in life.

From that time on my life transformed. Suddenly more and more clients were coming for healing, workshops were at full capacity and a few years later I met Kim – the love of my life- and we have now been married for 21 years and life is brilliant!

My own take on health is it is more than a body that is not in pain – we need to have the right partner, be in the right job, have the right spiritual practices, eat food that nourishes us and so on. Far better to take responsibility for our own health than to abuse our inner wisdom and become ill – and then go to a doctor or healer and want “fixing”.

Let me know if you need help in any areas of your own lives – to get back on track – and to be all that you are. Just call 805 407 5366 for a chat or email me at info@healinginamerica.com

With Love & Light,