The Responsibilities of a Healer
The Responsibilities of a Healer
World of Healing
I was working with a lady who had colon cancer and she had just returned from a three-week intensive “juicing” program in Germany and wanted several healing sessions. She was in her mid-thirties, had two children and a husband. She did yoga regularly, was a vegetarian, and really into a healthy lifestyle.
Her Medical Doctor tried to persuade her to have surgery – whereas she wanted to go a more holistic route. She asked me what to do. Having given it thought for a minute or so I said what do you think you should do. She replied – “What do you think I should do” – and so it went on backwards and forwards for a few minutes – she insisting on wanting my advice – me being persistent in trying to help her make her own mind up – what felt “right” for her.
In the end, she decided she should do both – which I thought was probably the correct decision.
I was also a little intrigued as to why a young lady like this should even have cancer – considering the life style she led and her strong beliefs about health and fitness. Despite her positive attitude and having surgery and more healing, she made her transition a few weeks later.
This intrigued me as to why she should pass at such a young age and with her positive outlook on life.
A few weeks after her death her husband called to see if he could come and see me.
During our conversation he confided in me that 18 months ago he had had an affair which had lasted for several weeks, but he felt sure his wife never knew about it.
I wonder?
Maybe his wife did know, or at least suspected, and that had been a factor in the cancer manifesting itself when it did. If I had have known earlier – would I have suggested he confessed to his wife? Would that have made a difference?
As I have mentioned before, I believe that many illnesses are caused by suppressed unresolved emotional issues - and although I will never know for sure about the cause of this lady’s prognosis – it crossed my mind that if they could have talked about the issue and she had accepted and forgiven him, would her cancer have gone into remission?
To be a healer, we always feel compassion for clients and their issues and when I started my healing practice many years ago, often I did not charge for my healing.
What I found was that people who received the healing for free did not value it – they forgot appointment times, turned up late and in some cases did not get better.
The non-charging issue I later discovered was not with the patients – but with me!
Who was I to decide if a client could afford a healing session or not?
I’ve heard many people say that “energy healing is a gift from God and therefore it should be free”. Well I agree it is a gift - an amazing gift – but I trained for 4 years to develop my gift before I started practicing, I brought as many books as I could to further my knowledge, I practiced on friends and family and I left a well paid job to focus full time on seeing clients and running workshops – and I needed income to support a family.
I always suggest to students on our workshops to charge what you feel comfortable with – if you want to charge $10 you will find clients who can pay $10 – if you want to charge $500 you will find clients who are happy to pay $500.
The universe always seems to send clients whom you can help.
Often on workshops when attendees have just graduated they worry about their first client being someone with 3rd stage cancer and they do not have the skills and experience to be able to help them. I assure them it will not happen – as I said the universe will only send clients you can help – where you can match your skills and experience with their needs.
There is an old saying that “For those who understand no explanation is necessary – for those who do not understand not amount of explaining with be sufficient”