The Power of the Mind
The Power
of the Mind
Self Healing
Over the years working as a healer, one of the key factors in seeing people get better is their attitude and determination to return to full health. Usually, when people come for healing they are open-minded and want to get better, and obviously, that helps with recovery. However, there are those who are not!
I worked with a lady who had very bad arthritis of the fingers and had trouble moving them without pain. She came for 3 weeks with her husband who sat on my couch and usually went to sleep whilst I was working with his wife. Within the three healing sessions her arthritis had completely disappeared, and she was absolutely delighted. She was able to start knitting again. On her last visit, she asked if I would work on her husband who had a bad back.
Bear in mind he had observed the transformation of his wife not being able to use her fingers to one of complete dexterity.
He sits on my healing chair, crosses his legs and folds his arms across his chest, and says “Get on with it then.”
It was pretty obvious he was not “open” – so I asked him if he believed in healing – to which he replied, “It’s a load of rubbish!” So, here was a man who had witnessed his wife’s healing yet still did not believe. The result – I refused to work with him. I helped him out of the chair and he went off holding his lower back!!
People ask if we have to believe in energy healing to be effective. Well, healing works very well on young children and animals who do not necessarily have a belief system – but they are open to it – and that is the key.
If we are open to the possibility of the energy healing working – that is enough for changes to happen.
You will have heard of spontaneous remission – where a person who is seriously ill with little chance of recovery – and suddenly – miraculously gets better instantly.
Why – what’s happened?
By changing our perception of life we can change ourselves- our beliefs change our biology and physiology. If we are walking across red hot coals and believe you can without feeling any pain – you will be able to. If halfway across are starting to have doubts or believe we cannot do it – then we will burn the soles of our feet.
That is why when clients have been told they only have x number of months to live, the body starts to shut down, and often we will only live for that number of months.
When any of my clients going through cancer tell me this, one of the first things I tell them is that there is not one cancer that someone hasn’t recovered from. Not one. This in itself is like turning on a light switch – they start to join the dots – if someone can get better from this particular cancer then so can I.
I have seen many patients improve just by changing their beliefs about being able to get well. With long-term illness we often have forgotten what it feels like to be well – we cannot imagine what it would be like to feel “normal” again. Through the power of energy healing, we can help with this process and be a catalyst for wellness.
We know that whatever we focus on expands – so if we focus on wellness, focus on appreciation, focus on gratitude our lives will be transformed into something truly amazing.
So as to come towards the end of what has been the most stressful year in most people’s lives, let’s be grateful for what we have, appreciate our friends and families, and be determined to face whatever challenges we have in 2021 with a positive attitude knowing this is just another lesson in our soul’s journey.