Posts tagged ask roger
Anger in the Context of Healing

When you become angry your heart races, your body temperature rises, and you feel ready for an outburst that expresses how angry you really are. You may be tempted to hold back your anger, but this may not always be the best approach. It turns out anger has a beneficial side too. This emotion is often hidden or repressed, but anger can be helpful and even healthy.

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The Power of Love

It can and has been scientifically proven. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry[2], scientists found that wounds heal faster in couples who are in a stable and loving relationship. The reverse was also true. People in hostile relationships tended to have slower wound healing capacity. Thought to be due to the pro-inflammatory cytokines released when a person was sad, lonely or the subject of abuse, the presence of this compound was found to be much lower in people who were in love.

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