Ask Roger
The theme this month is around “Happiness”– and this week I want to consider this in the context of healing.
There is a connection between happiness and health and according to research, certain personal attributes can help people avoid or manage certain diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and heart attack. It is said that having a sense of enthusiasm or being optimistic is the key to a happier and healthier life.
Some 2,000 years ago the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
And this holds true today.
As you know, a healthy immune system is important for overall health. Research has shown that being happier may help keep your immune system strong, which in turn may help reduce your risk of developing colds and chest infections.
One study in over 300 healthy people looked at the risk of developing a cold after individuals were given a common cold virus via nasal drops.
The least happy people were almost three times as likely to develop the common cold compared to their happier counterparts.
In another study, researchers gave 81 university students a vaccine against hepatitis B, a virus that attacks the liver. Happier students were nearly twice as likely to have a high antibody response, a sign of a strong immune system.
The effects of happiness on the immune system are not completely understood but it may be due to the impact of happiness on the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which regulates your immune system, hormones, digestion, and stress levels
What’s more, happy people are more likely to take part in health-promoting behaviors that play a role in keeping the immune system strong. These include healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.
Being happy may also help reduce your stress levels.
Normally, excess stress causes an increase in levels of cortisol, a hormone that contributes to many of the harmful effects of stress, including disturbed sleep, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.
What’s more, being happier may also improve sleep habits and practices, which is important for concentration, productivity, exercise performance, and maintaining a healthy weight.
One study of over 700 adults found that sleep problems, including trouble falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep, were 47% higher in those who reported low levels of positive well-being.
So, being happy really can make a huge difference – and as you know like attracts like – so when we emit the energy of joy and happiness we draw to us people who are full of joy and happiness – brilliant!
Try it and see.
With Love & Light